Local Investigators + Auditor

Team  Plus  Auditor

Local teams will represent their participating centre in the LDLT Registry.

Each center may form a team of 4 members in total:

  • 3 local investigators and
  • 1 independent local Auditor (data monitor, non-surgeon).


Local investigators


Local Investigators (n=3) may include surgeons, anesthesiologists, hepatologists, critical care physicians and other members involved in LDLT.

The typical structure of a local team includes a senior, middle grade and junior surgeon / physician, however this is not mandatory.

Some centers choose to include other healthcare professionals such as study nurses or well trained data managers. It is up to the local senior investigator to form his/her team. 

If you have not yet included your additional local investigators into your account when you registered with LDLTregistry.org, please do so by clicking here. Alternatively, you may click on the "My account" link at the right side bar of the website and then "Edit".

Towards the end of the form, you are asked to enter the "Full name of your SECOND and THIRD additional local collaborator at your institution" as well as their email addresses. Please ensure that their details are correct, this is how they will appear on co-authorship in future publications. 




An additional member of the local team, the Auditor (also called data monitor) (n=1) will be assigned to monitor the adherence to the registry protocol as well as auditing the quality of data collection of the participating centers.

Auditors should not be members of the surgical team to minimise bias.

Auditors are typically senior or middle grade physicians in other fields of medicine rather than surgery.

Quality control includes ensuring all consecutive cases are being submitted as well as ensuring that major complications for the donor and mortality for the recipient is correctly captured. 

Auditors will be contacted by our administration team to confirm that the data submitted are complete and accurate. 

If you have not yet included your local Auditor into your account when you registered with LDLTregistry.org, please do so by clicking here. Alternatively, you may click on the "My account" link at the right side bar of the website and then "Edit".

Towards the end of the form, you are asked to enter the "" as well as his/her email address. Please ensure that their details are correct, this is how he/she will appear on co-authorship in future publications. 


Publication and Authorship



All three Local Investigators and the single Auditor from each center will receive PubMed citable co-authorship in all publications derived from LDLTregistry.org.