All publications derived from will be published on behalf of the “ Collaborative”. This means that all members with verified submitted cases to the registry will be PubMed cited as group authors. Similarly, all group authors will be also indexed at Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. 

The first publication arising from the Registry will include “ Collaborative” as a group author without hierarchical authorship (no first author, no last author). 

Publications from spin-off studies (secondary analyses of the data) may include formal named authorship but must include the “ Collaborative” with group authorship for all participants.

All group authors listed as collaborators can include these publications in their curriculum vitae. 

We acknowledge that, in some circumstances, centres may be required to make changes to the team of Local Investigators. Each team may change a maximum of two Local Investigators per year. Total number of personnel changes should be proportionate to the total number of cases submitted by the centre to The committee reserve the right to refuse authorship if a centre nominates a number of authors out of proportion to the number of cases contributed to the LDLT Registry.


The Team